Welcome!! I'm so glad you're here.
My name's Allison and I hail from a small town on the Canadian/US border in beautiful South Eastern Ontario.
6 years ago, I signed up for an afternoon hand-lettering workshop at a local cafe with a couple of girlfriends, excited about wine and snacks and potentially a trendy new hobby. Hundreds of practice hours and a mild obsession with brush pens later and that pasttime has turned into a creative sign and decor service in my hometown.
This website was born during the pandemic when, like many other businesses, handmade makers and artisans had to get creative in how they delivered their goods and services in light of pandemic restrictions. It has become a quaint little corner of the internet where you can shop through the fruits of my lettering labours and hopefully find a handmade keepsake perfect for gifting or creating your own personal collection.
So please, pour a cup of your favourite beverage and take a few minutes to take a look around. I hope you find something you love as much as I love knowing that these small tokens will be with your friends and families for years to come.
Be well.
A xo